Don’t Be A People Pleaser

Don’t Be A People Pleaser

To succeed in life and know what true fulfillment and success are, you have to learn to love yourself adequately and see who created you. I am walking this journey out for myself each day, believing I am who God says I am. In the depths of my inner being, you need to know that it’s not a mistake that you’re here on this day. This time in this season of life and that you were born for such a time as this. A friend recently got me this little plaque for my birthday, and it read as follows {The world needs you to show up today. You are powerful, you are valuable, and what you believe changes the world.}

See, we have an enemy that comes to kill, steal, and destroy. The one thing he wants to destroy the most is your identity! Satan wants you to believe you are not who God says that you are, that you have a purpose, and that purpose is to have fellowship with God the Father and to have a relationship with him, which would make you a son or daughter to Christ. I think every one of us must come to a point in our walk where we must accept our identity and stop trying to be like anyone else. You are beautiful you, and as you let God work in, you become the best version of yourself. Faking it or not being who you are is a quick way to become sick, stuck, or miserable.

See were never meant to wear masks and were meant to be who we are in the eyes of God. Freedom comes when you realize you will not be everyone’s cup of tea. Not everyone will necessarily understand why you think the way you think, act the way you act or do what you do. See, only God knows everything about what makes you uniquely you and all you have faced on this planet so far. Not one day or thought or action is hidden from Him. He loves you no matter what, and there is nothing you can do to earn his love, but not all of your human encounters will bring your heart joy, like a relationship with Him will.

See, not everybody is going to be your friend, and if you’re walking out your God-given gifts and potential and only living for an audience of the one, then you’re on the right road. You have to let the opinions of others be just that opinions. I heard this old saying one time, and it’s so right ‘I don’t need a certain number of friends just some certain friends that I can be certain of.” People-pleasing is incredibly toxic, and you’re never going to make everyone happy. I mean hello, if Jesus, who was the son of God, had people that didn’t like him and didn’t understand him, then who are we to believe that everyone’s going to like us.

See as long as we get the understanding in the depths of our soul that God is especially fond of you and that you are his chosen and that you are his beloved. God thinks so highly of you that he paid the ultimate highest possible price by sending his son Jesus to die for you so that he could have a personal relationship with him. He also wants to help us with the great helper, the Holy Spirt, to agree with the plan and purpose that God has laid out for us in his Word to have an abundant free life. The Spirit will help us to learn how to use the Word as a weapon to decree it over our life.

The Bible says in Romans 10:17 – So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. THE KEYWORD IS FAITH! Faith is not just some great idea or guideline. It changes the way you live your life and helps you to not conform to the pattern of this world. What’s that mean? Well, it means to be different indeed, to act differently, to react differently, to speak differently, to live differently. What is different is the life laid out for us in God’s Word, and the only way to do this is by His power, His strength, and His work in us.

There is an excellent reason to put your trust in God. You will grow in faith as you continue to meditate on God’s Word and hide it in your heart and learn the truth about God’s Word. We can boldly proclaim it, and with confidence, we can say because of the Word of our testimony that there is a God, and he is perfect!! All through the New Testament, there are eyewitness accounts that proclaim the God of heaven and earth. He is who he says is and did what he said he was going to do. These were men like Peter, John, Mathew, Mark. They gave the eyewitness accounts. Then men who had encounters like Paul with Jesus and never the same after meeting the Savior.

Now the Devil tries to have us not believe this by the two following tactical moves:

  1. Question who God is.
  2. He causes us to question our identity.

So if you today are struggling with the enemies lies of I’m a nobody, I’m a mistake, the world doesn’t need me, I don’t make a difference anyway, I’m a loser, once a failure, always a disappointment. If any of these voices sound familiar in your head, then it’s time for you to rebuke these lies and begin to fill your mind with what God’s Word says about you.

If you truly want a personal relationship with God, all you have to do is develop a time to spend alone with him to study the Word. His Word is what helps you grow your faith, and when you grow in your belief, that’s what causes fruit to be produced in your life or for your faith to grow for you to have real tangible change. Not only will you strengthen your relationship with him, but it will make all of your other relationships stronger. It’ll even make some relationships fall away or castaway because they’re not right for you. God will do a cleansing process through your life as you meditate on his Word and let his word light up your life. See, the darkness will have to flee, but this all depends on that personal relationship with him and that ongoing communication.

So my prayer for you today is that you will honestly know that you are God’s beloved, and created in his image and that he loves you and was willing to pay the high price for you to have this personal relationship with him. I pray that you know that the Devil is a liar, and he wants nothing more than to steal the Word that God is who he says and keeps his promises and held to his Word. The Word, which is Jesus, is the final authority over everything.

He is the God that wins the battles for you, and he is the God that stands behind you. His name alone can stand up against the enemy schemes in our lives. Remember, this only happens through supernatural strength that comes from God to help us to be brave and to be courageous and to be bold.

So let us trust in the name of the Lord; let us praise his name forever. Let us thank him for being a good, good father and taking care of us and adopting us into the Kingdom of God.

Author: The Holy Spirit
Editor: JJ Michael Smith

God bless,

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3 thoughts on “Don’t Be A People Pleaser”

  1. Beautifully written.

    Thank you.

  2. I am 59 years old, and I can testify that I have walked this very misleading road of “People Pleasing.” It doesn’t work!

    It took me years to finally realize what a terrible road I was trying to follow of “People Pleasing.” I wasted years of my life literally trying to “People Please.”

    Let me tell you, no matter how hard you try to follow this road, it is a DEAD END! I would pray and pray that God would take this from me, I’d claim to leave my problem of trying to “People Please” at the foot of the cross, and within minutes of praying or walking out of the door of God’s house, I was back on the “People Pleasing” road again. Miserable, stressed, unhappy, worried, you name it! I had made myself physically and mentally sick from trying to follow this “People Pleasing” road.

    I praise God that He finally took this from me. It didn’t happen overnight, but with faithful Sisters and Brothers praying along with me and for me, God grew my faith, He grew me, and I started to depend on Him finally, trust Him, and accept the fact that regardless of what others thought or felt about me, it didn’t matter. I stopped believing the devil’s lies!

    I don’t need people’s approval of me. I am created to be who God wants me to be, not others. God is the only person that matters.

    You can try all day long to please others, and it might work for a brief period but trust me, it doesn’t last. God is the one we live for. God loves us regardless. He loves unconditionally.

    God is the one we should always focus on! Love God, Live for God, Love People, and always trust God. Amen!

    • Tammy, thank you for taking the time to share with us, and we are so glad God is your main focus now.

      God bless friend,


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